Post 3


Welcome back, everyone, for the third day of Na/GloPoWriMo 2022.

Our featured participant for the day is this and other poems, which presents us with a poem based on the word “afterwinter” — a word that seems to have inspired many of you who are suffering through April cold snaps.

Today, our featured online magazine is Rust and Moth, which has been publishing quarterly since 2008. You can browse all of their past issues here.  From their newest issue, I’ll point out Leah Claire Kaminski’s lyrical “Flung Girl,” and Lucia Owen’s moving “The Gardener’s Prayer.”

And now for our (optional) prompt. This one is a bit complex, so I saved it for a Sunday. It’s a Spanish form called a “glosa” – literally a poem that glosses, or explains, or in some way responds to another poem. The idea is to take a quatrain from a poem that you like, and then write a four-stanza poem that explains or responds to each line of the quatrain, with each of the quatrain’s four lines in turn forming the last line of each stanza. Traditionally, each stanza has ten lines, but don’t feel obligated to hold yourself to that! Here’s a nice summary of the glosa form to help you get started.

Happy writing!

I started late and didn’t really follow the prompt 🙂

Happy Reading!!

Day and Night

We were told as children 
That day and night were actually lovers
The tragic thing is they could never be together
But in that fleeting moment 
Where day and night do meet
It changes the world such that
It burns a bright red orange
That is I hope where we will meet
~ Dev

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